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Elementary School

Challenging, Caring, Preparing Every Student Every Day


Seal Elementary

320 S Chestnut

Douglass KS 67039




Principal-Kim McCune,


If your child will be absent, please remember to call the office!


Daily Lunch Schedule

KDG 10:55-11:30

1st 11:15-11:45

2nd 11:55-12:25

3rd 11:35-12:05

4th 12:15-12:45

5th 12:30-1:00


2025-2026 Pre-K and Kindergarten Round Up

Please Call to Schedule an Appointment

Phone (316)747-3350

When: Tuesday, April 8th 4:00pm-7:00pm

Where: Seal Elementary 320 S. Chestnut, Douglass

Pre-School ½ Day Program

  • Must be 4 years old on or before August 31st, 2025 for paid Pre-K
  • Paid PreK student’s tuition is $125/month
  • State PreK students must meet program requirements 3 & 4 year olds

Early Childhood Special Education ½ Day Program

  • 3 and 4 year olds with developmental delay




  • Must be 5 years old on or before August 31st, 2025

Parents you will need the following at Round-Up:

1. Social Security Card for your child

2. Birth Certificate for your child

3. Current Immunization card for your child

​​​​​​​4. A health physical from their doctor before the first day of school 2025-2026

​​​​​​​5. Proof of Residence




3/3-3/7/2025 PreK Dr. Seuss Week

3/3/2025 Role Model Application Deadline

3/5/2025 Donuts with Dames 7:30-8:15 @ Elementary Gym

3/10/2025 Board of Education Meeting 6:00pm @ Central Office

3/13/2025 Jump Rope for Heart Charity Hat Day

PTO Skate Night 5:00pm-8:00pm

3/14/2025 No School- Teacher Workday

Art Show @ Elementary School 6:00pm-7:30pm

3/17-3/21/2025 No School- Spring Break



2/3/25     PTO Meeting @ Elementary Library 6:00pm

2/6/25     Spelling Bee @ Elementary Gym 2:00pm

2/10/25     BOE Meeting @ District Office 6:00pm

2/11/25     Career Day

2/13/25     5th Grade Wax Museum @ Gym 8:45am-9:45am

PreK AM Valentine’s Party 10:10am

PreK PM-5th Grade Valentine’s Parties 2:30pm

2/14/25     NO SCHOOL  PreK-8th Grade- Parent Teacher Conferences

2/17/25 NO SCHOOL     President’s Day 

2/24/25     Site Council Meeting @ Elementary Library 6:00pm

2/26/25     PK-2nd Spring Pictures- Lavender Rose

2/27/25     Spring Pictures- Lavender Rose valentines heart







2024-2025 School Supply Lists

Preschool supply list: preschool_24-25.pdf

KDG- 5th grade supply list: 24-25_k-5_school_supplies.pdf


 Bulldogs Beyond After School Program 24-25

Information:  bulldogs_beyond_program_informaiton_2024_1.pdf

Enrollment Form:  bulldogs_beyond_enrollment_form_2024.pdf

Behavior Contract:  bulldogs_beyond_behavior_contract.pdf


2024-2025 ENROLLMENT

Online Enrollment through starting July 18th -July 31st for returning enrolled students.

Online Enrollment Instructions:

Walk-In Enrollment at the Douglass Sports Complex, August 1st, 10 am to 7 pm for NEW PK (see below), KDG (see below), and NEW Transfer Students. 

New PK/KDG students bring Birth Certificate, Social Security, Immunization Record, and physical/well child.

Students that were included in PK/KDg Roundup will complete online enrollment and stop by the Building Enrollment to drop off records/free and reduced forms/and make payment not paid through online enrollment.

Kindergarten - If your child is already on the list for kindergarten, you will not need to do anything further until walk-in enrollment at the end of the summer break.

New students not on our round-up list who will be 5 years old on or before August 31, 2024, please call the Central Office at 747-3300 so that we can put them on the kindergarten list. This will allow us to make plans for teachers and purchase materials for the new school year. We will need the following information:

  • Student Name
  • Parent(s) Name
  • Student’s Date of Birth
  • Residential Address
  • Phone Number
  • Parent email  

Preschool / Half-Day Classes

USD 396 offers 3 ways to be admitted to preschool:

  1. We offer half-day Early Childhood Special Education preschool services to 3 and 4 year old children who qualify for an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) through an evaluation process. **Typically developing role model students are selected annually for this program by qualifying through a screening process and then being drawn using a lottery system.
  2. We offer half-day State 4 Year Old At-Risk Pre-Kindergarten services to children based on family qualifications. (See Criteria Table below) New in 2023, we are offering limited slots for half-day 3 Year Old At-Risk Pre-Kindergarten using the same criteria.
  3. We offer half-day Jump Start to Kindergarten preschool services to 4 year old children as a fee-based option.


Criteria for Pre-K At Risk Grant Program


  1. Poverty
  1. Qualifies for free lunch program on September 20.
  1. Single Parent Families
  1. At the time of enrollment, the custodial parent is unmarried.
  1. DCF Referral
  1. The reason for referral must describe the need for the child to attend the Pre-K program and be documented and signed by the DCF agent.
  1. Teen Parents
  1. At least one parent was a teen when the child was born.
  1. Either parent is lacking a high school diploma or GED
  1. At the time of enrollment, either parent lacks a high school diploma or GED.
  1. Limited English Proficiency
  1. LEP status must be documented. Forms must be in child’s file. Process and criteria are found at under Early Learning.

NOTE: ESOL services must be provided by qualified teachers.

  1. Lower than expected developmental progress in at least one of the following areas: Cognitive development, physical development; communication/literacy; social-emotional/behavior; adaptive behavior/self-help skills


  1. Based on appropriate and valid assessment results, the developmental progress of the child has been determined by a trained professional to be lower than typically expected for his/her chronological age, yet above what would be considered eligible for special education services (based on the procedural manual and guidance materials of specific assessment instruments). Scores that fall at or below the 40th percentile indicate “at-risk”.
  1. Child qualifying for migrant status
  1. Copy of Certificate of Eligibility must be on file.


Age Requirements

Early Childhood Special Education students with an IEP may begin school after their third birthday. **ECH Role model students are chosen through a lottery system each March for the following school year. Students are not eligible to be an ECH role model once they can attend kindergarten.

State AT-Risk Grant Pre-Kindergarten students must be three years old on or before August 31st to be eligible to attend three year old PK or four years on or before August 31st to be eligible to attend four year old PK.

Jump Start to Kindergarten preschool students must be four years old on or before August 31st to be eligible to attend preschool.

***Role Model applications for these classes are currently being processed and will be entered into the lottery system. Families will know who was chosen by early June. Questions about our Pre-K programs may be emailed to Principal Kim McCune at 

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