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Scott Dunham


Scott Dunham


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Contact Info:

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Class Room Number:


About Me

Educational History:

Graduate of Campus High School, Class of 1992

Graduate of Friends University, Class of 1996

Graduate of Wichita State University, Class of 2004

Newman University District Level Licensure, Completer 2022

Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Science, Education, Friends University

Masters in Educational Leadership/School Administration, Wichita State University

District Level Licensure, Newman University

Professional Development:


CPR and First Aid

Kansas Safe Schools Presenter

McCrel Classroom Instruction That Works

CUES Evaluation

Kansas Educational Leadership Institute Mentor


Current Position:

Principal, Douglass High School and Sisk Middle School

Previous Position:

I am in my 27th year in education. I have been a teacher, coach, assistant principal, athletic director, and principal during my career. I have spent my last 14 years here in the Douglass School District as an administrator.

Family Information:

I am married to Christina, who is also an educator. She is a 3rd grade teacher here in Douglass at Seal Elementary. I also have four children. My youngest son, Jace, is 10 and is in 4th grade at Seal Elementary this year.  I also have a 15 year old son, Graeson, who is a Sophomore at Douglass High School, a 20 year old daughter, Karsen, who just finished her Sophomore year at Bethel College, and a 23 year old son, Kaden, who is a registered nurse.


Personal Information:

I love spending time at the lake with my family. Our favorite place is Table Rock! While there, we spend our days skiing, wakeboarding, surfing, swimming, and cruising the lake!

Current Weather

Current Condition: clear sky

Temperature: 61.07˚F

Feels Like: 59˚F

Wind Speeds: 5.61mph

Weather humidity: 45%

Chance of Precipitation: %

Contact Scott Dunham

Classroom Number:
School Phone:

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